Running Engine Lights for 1/43 DeAgostini Millennium Falcon and Hasbro Hero Millennium Falcon
This is “running engine” lights set for deAgostini Millennium Falcon. Each set consists of 12 RGB super bright LEDs attached to Arduino compatible controller board. The controller gradually independently changes the brightness of each LED creating a look of “in-flight” mode.
Once the power is supplied to the board, the controller goes through a “start-up” sequence turning ON the LEDs one by one and then switches to an “in-flight” mode that runs indefinitely, until the power is turned off.
The LED strips connect the same way the stock LED strips are connected to the circuit board of the ship. You can see the strip is overlapping with the edges of the housings. This is done on purpose. No modification of any existing wiring or parts is necessary however to avoid a “light gap” in the middle you can either file down the edges of the housings, or if you don’t want to make any changes to the original parts of Millennium Falcon, you can cut off with scissors one LED from each strip.
If you are planning to use this for any other model, power source 6v is recommended. The controller also has protection from reversed polarity.
Each stip draws a current 126mA as opposed to 77mA of the stock LED strip. While it is higher, the two strips draw a current of 252mA which is twice less than the maximum current allowed for the transistor used in the circuit board to open the circuit, so there is a very minimal chance of blowing the circuit. If you have purchased the set and your board stopped working I will upgrade it with a higher rated transistor free of charge.
Please note, you need 2 sets for deAgostini Falcon and Hasbro Falcon. Only one set is needed for 1/72 and 1/144 versions of the ship. The LED strip can be cut to length.